Eight Gift Ideas For Hanukkah With Lilla Rose Hair Jewelry

Here are eight combinations of hair jewelry accessories, using the flexi clip, hair band, upin, bobby pin, and hair stick selections, that ladies and girls can mix and match to create bundles for gifting or to coordinate with a Hanukkah celebration dress or outfit.

  1. The Tree of Life silver flexi clip and the Pearl hair band are a classic look. The Tree of Life gold tone flexi clip is also available, although might not pair as well with the Pearl hair band alone.
  2. The Pearl hair band and the Tiffany hair sticks are also a classy vintage combination.
  3. The Victoria hair band paired with the Arwen dangle flexi clip would be filled with sparkle while remaining a classic.
  4. Goldie hair band could be used in a hair band roll with Gaddiel or Open Leaves bobby pins, or the brass tone bow flexi clip.
  5. Since up to three Lilla Rose hairbands bead strands could be attached to one elastic, how about pairing the Sparkling Silver and Crystal hairbands by twisting them together, and using the Claire dangle flexi in a bun or French twist, or even a half up?
  6. The Crystal hairband also pairs nicely with Winter Wonder flexi clips on a blue or blue and white plaid scarf or in hair. The upins are also a dazzling accessory for a half up or whole bun or twist too.
  7. The Antique Gold upins and Gold Cluster hairband are also a lovely combination.
  8. There are also badge clips in limited supply which are beautiful gifts, perhaps for those ladies who work with children or are synagogue greeters as a show of appreciation.

Any of these products are great stand alone gifts, but the mix and match combinations are also limitless. There are other style designs on the Lilla Rose website to consider as well, including the Aviva braided leather and hair stick clips, or upins.

Happy Hanukkah to my Jewish customers and friends.

As always,



Linked back with original Sassy Direct post.