The Things Planned For Us

I sit with my new day planner, fresh and clean.

I have a new journal for a daily scripture writing plan.

I scheme and plan new handmade ideas for 2016 in the LoveLeavingLegacy blog shop.

Many Wonders Too Many To Declare

Fresh pages, fresh ideas, fresh start in a fresh new year.

But as I ponder my ideas, I wonder-

What are God’s plans for our family in this New Year?

A new church? New school and business opportunities? New travel? New life through a baptism?

I’m sure His plans are far more than I can conceive.

With hope, faith, thankfulness, and anticipation,



“”For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you.  You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you,” declares the Lord, “and will bring you back from captivity. I will gather you from all the nations and places where I have banished you,” declares the Lord, “and will bring you back to the place from which I carried you into exile.”” Jeremiah 29:11-14





I Have These Ideas…

I’m reflecting on Christmas, our family’s traditions, and whether or not what we do reflects Christ in Christmas. I keep hearing about Christ being missing from the “holiday.” Is He? I have some ideas and thoughts.


I’ll share more soon, but my oldest son, Equine J, is flying home in a few hours, and I need some sleep so I can enjoy his visit.

Our family’s campaign to raise $1000 for Esther, a waiting child with Down syndrome in Asia, is on going. We’re collecting bottles and cans to return this week. Angel Tree 2015 on Reece’s Rainbow ends 12/31, and we’re still a little over $300 away from the goal. That’s a lot of cans. If anyone would love to make a Christmas donation, we’d sure appreciate it! She’s worth so much more.


I pray Esther is enjoying Christmas in family next year. Anyone interested in knowing more about preparing for adopting Esther should read these thoughts and contact Reece’s Rainbow to find out where and how to inquire about her. I would love to see photos of her on facebook next Christmas making cookies with her brothers and sisters.

Also, all base commission from ANY orders placed on 12/26/2015 on my Lilla Rose website during the new sale will be donated by 12/31/2015 to Esther’s adoption grant.


Deb Wielhouwer, Lilla Rose Independent Consultant

Blessings during this Christmas week,






Because Life Is Fragile


Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.

Galatians 6:2

Once one was awakened on a Tuesday morning to one’s son saying “Mom! You need to come! I think the mama cat had her kittens. I hear crying in the garage.”
Returning to the garage, he found a cold, crying kitten on the garage floor, appearing to be abandoned and alone. He carefully wrapped the tiny Yellow Guy in a Mama Cat scented towel, and brought him to be warmed while Mama Cat and the rest of the litter were located.

Because Life is Fragile, it must be handled with Care.


Yellow Guy the First

Yellow Guy was successfully and safely returned to the Mama Cat’s newly found den with his siblings, and all seemed hopeful.


The Kitten Crew: Yellow Guy the First (straight ears), Yellow Guy the Second (Curly Ears), Tigress, Uno, Teddy, and Lacey (light gray) in their teeny kitty Pig Pile.

The next morning, a Yellow Guy was found cold and abandoned at the back of the den, and all the kittens were scattered on the garage floor because Mama cat got hungry and walked in search of her own food dish while the babies were nursing.

Life is fragile.

While she tried, Mama Cat was young and needed some help. All the kittens were put in a warm cushy box, and Mama Cat and babies were crated for safety and warmth. Mama’s food, water, and litter were brought into the crate.

Everyone seemed safe, warm, healthier, and fed. Mama Cat purred loudly while she nursed, and she proudly showed off her babies to her human companions and helpers.


Mama Cat and her Six Littles. No one is abandoned. All are accepted and loved.

All was not as it seemed.

Life is so fragile, even handled with care.

When the babies were 48 hours old, Yellow Guy with curly ears had not survived. Twelve hours later, Yellow Guy with straight ears, the original Yellow Guy, had also not made it. They were too fragile. By a month after birth, three more had died, despite all feline and human efforts to keep all babies warm, fed, and safe.


Tigress liked to hold his bottle.

Because Life is Fragile.

Conversations can be fragile. Our speech can edify. Our tongue can tear someone down, even without intending to be hurtful.

Relationships can be fragile.

Health can be fragile. A loved one can suddenly and without warning be in the fight for their life after one health incident or accidental injury. It doesn’t matter if one is 8 years old, 40 years old, or 75 years old.

When all around it seems that fragile life is happening to those one cares about, or even to acquaintances needing encouragement, how should one respond?


Bearing the burdens of others means taking the time to listen and hear the other, to respond with consideration, with care, with sensitivity, with edifying words, and in a manner that one would like to be treated oneself.

It sometimes means meeting physical needs or doing chores for another when one is able.

Stop the snarky, sarcastic name calling so prevalent in our culture. Respect the person-hood of those with whom you disagree. Stop making fun at the expense of others.

Respect the boundaries of others.

Be grateful for the efforts of others on your behalf.

Pray more.

The end results will be happier, healthier, less fragile, and stronger sets of relationships most of time.

Like with our kittens, even the best of intentions and work may not yield a desired result, but building each other up is worth the efforts.

Let’s not make life more fragile than it already is.

2015-11-15 19.04.02

Uno, named for the number 1 stripe on her nose, the least fragile of the six kittens at 5 weeks old.


Six week old Uno is learning to drink milk from a bowl.


Seven weeks old, Uno continues to be socialized by our smallest humans, eating soft cereal mash and milk, and being weaned to dry food. She grows stronger and feistier every day.

