Just One More Step


We took our children on a week long vacation in the Smoky Mountains last month. Dr. P thought going on a hike would be a good idea, and I concurred. What could be better than a long walk in the mountain woods!? Dr. P chose some “easy” mountain trails to get us started.

rocky pathEight year old A-Grape and I learned some lessons on these walks…errrrr…climbs through those “easy” mountain trails.

Root steps

First, easy is all in one’s perspective. For my husband who has been walking 4-11 miles/day for over a year and has lost 50 pounds in that time, for my son who runs and bikes several times/week, for my two older daughters who bike often, the hikes were easier. They were barely out of breath, for the most part, and even ran down much of the trail returning from the first day’s hike.  For A-Grape and I, who were each wearing improper foot wear, for A-Grape’s shorter legs, for my out of fitness self, the trails were much harder.  My lungs were burning so badly at one point I thought I could die, although I also had a head cold and cough.

flat pathSecond, on the first day’s trail, we climbed a little over a mile up to Grotto Falls while we were feeling energetic and fresh. We were heading downhill for the second one plus mile half of the hike. On the second day’s hike, the first half of the hike on Baskins Falls trail was more than 1.5 miles down to the falls, but we also added an extra unplanned detour to hike back up a marked trail to an old family cemetery, then back down to the original trail, finishing the first half by climbing down rocks to the falls. The second half of the trip we had to climb back up those rocks and the trail. It had rained the day before, so the trail was also slippery with mud in spots. There were streams to cross on both trails, but the second trail streams had mostly logs to cross, while the first day’s trail had had stepping stones.

hard climb

On that second day’s Baskins Falls trail, A-Grape and I had the others go on ahead so that they could run or climb as they wanted and we wouldn’t hold them up. Not far into the upward hike back to our car (about 1.5 miles), I began to doubt that I had the strength to make it, and my feet and legs already hurt. We were climbing tree roots up a steady incline. I was severely out of breath when A-Grape said very sadly “I can’t do this. This is too hard. I’m tired. I’m not big enough. I think I could faint.” I regretted sending the others ahead at this point, as I was also dizzy, and I was afraid we would need their help and they wouldn’t hear us. Thankfully they didn’t go very far ahead of us, and waited for us often. But, being the adult, and wanting to encourage her, I told A-Grape that she was big enough and strong enough, and that she wasn’t going to faint. I told her that I couldn’t faint, and neither could she. I told her she had to just keep taking one more step, and that if we both just kept saying “one more…just one more step.” we’d make it off the trail and to the car. I told her we would stop at random spots to catch our breath, take photos, eat a granola bar, sit on a flat rock, and that we would get this done in our own time. We continued telling each other “We HAVE to keep taking one more step,” held each other up, and told each other we could do it because we were strong, mighty girls because that is how God made us. We spoke truths to each other.

  • We are conquerors. (…In all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. Romans 8:37)
  • We are strong and mighty. (Be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Ephesians 6:10)
  • We can do all things through Christ who gives us strength. (Philippians 4:13)
  • We can keep our eye on the prize and run the race (climb the climb) set before us. (Hebrews 12:1b-3; 1 Corinthians 9:24)

Once we got to the end, we were relieved, believe me. But we felt stronger, mightier, (exhausted), and more confident. Next year we’ll wear better walking/hiking shoes. I’ll be more fit. She’ll be a little taller. Now we know.

ConqueredFriends, no matter what strenuous thing you are going through, just keep taking one more step. Forward momentum to the goal is worth taking. Keep your eyes on the end of your trail, taking it one step at a time, accepting a helping hand from time to time, keeping yourself and your mind well nourished with good fruits and sound principles. You will make it in your own time.

Enjoy the views along the way. They are worth the effort.

ViewIt’s ok to be silly, take a nap, and celebrate after a big accomplishment too.

20160506_163744 Anna on a log20160504_163008



Side note: Now that I hiked those two mountain trails last week, my morning walk on the hilly roads around our home were a speedy, easy peasy, cake walk today! I was barely out of breath at all, although my ankles, knees, and hips are begging me to get new walking shoes. Apparently my “out of fitness self’s” aches and pains are not all related to just being out of shape.

In other news, June 1, 2016 brought new products to Lilla Rose. Why? Why would you use anything else?

Patriotism, America the Beautiful

There is so much fighting and nastiness on social media.

What constitutes rape, to what doesn’t?

Who is at fault, who isn’t?

A mother who birthed an infant with known health issues and who died is called a murderer, but her supposed needed abortion wouldn’t have been? What happened to the concept of choice?

 “No  to Trump”
“No to Hillary”

“If he/she wins, I’m leaving the country.”


Is this our country?
Do we have ideals we believe in?
Why shouldn’t we be willing to fight for what we believe in this country?

Plenty of military folks are laying down their LIVES for freedoms and protections for this country, no matter who wins for president.

Why aren’t each of us more grateful for that by standing up for what we believe is RIGHT, here on our own soil?
We live in a land of plenty, and a land of freedom.
We won’t find this any where else.

Do we desire to be the GOOD we wish we were seeing?
Do we wish to find solutions or examine what went wrong?

Do we have any sense of patriotism?


Photo from Pixabay.com

In some countries, that newborn born with health issues will be euthanized.
Or sent to die in a secret place.
No choices for anyone.
None of this is considered wrong or murder, and even encouraged by other countries’ leadership.

In some countries, there is no plenty.
There is no clean water.
There is no sanitation.
There is inadequate education, and there are no jobs.
There are plenty of dishonest, hateful, bad leaders everywhere.

This is the United States of America…
Let’s stick together and help to “crown good” on our fellow “brotherhood.”
We could simply be more kind.
We could help each other without just looking for one’s own interests.
We could pray for our current and future leaders.

America the Beautiful

Lyrics by Katharine Lee Bates 
Composed  Samuel A. Ward
1911 version

Oh Beautiful America

For amber waves of grain,
Amber waves of grain

Photo taken from Pixabay.com

For purple mountain majesties
Purple mountains majesty
Above the fruited plain!
Fruited plain
America! America!
God shed His grace on thee
And crown thy good with brotherhood
From sea to shining sea!

Photo taken from Pixabay.com

O beautiful for pilgrim feet,
Whose stern, impassioned stress
A thoroughfare for freedom beat
Across the wilderness!
America! America!
God mend thine every flaw,
Confirm thy soul in self-control,
Thy liberty in law!
O beautiful for heroes proved
In liberating strife,
Who more than self their country loved
And mercy more than life!
America! America!
May God thy gold refine,
Till all success be nobleness,
And every gain divine!
O beautiful for patriot dream
That sees beyond the years
Thine alabaster cities gleam
Undimmed by human tears!
America! America!
God shed His grace on thee
And crown thy good with brotherhood
From sea to shining sea!

Knowing we are truly BLESSED,


April Showers Brought May Flowers…and a Mother’s Day Gift Idea

Today Lilla Rose revealed the May Flexi of the Month, Love Is.

I want one! 

Love Is was released early, in time for Mother’s Day, and has “highlights of rose gold and pink luster beads, this Flexi of the Month will bring pleasure to all who adorn its charm. Love Protects, Perseveres, Believes, Endures. “

May April flexi of the month

“Love Protects, Perseveres, Believes, Endures.” This is a definition of the motherhood, is it not? What a great way to honor a wisdom filled mom, a new mom, or any woman who has been a rock for someone in any trial.

Only for a few days, until April 30th, 2016, can customers purchase both the April Flexi of the Month Dogwood while supplies continue to last, as well as the May Flexi of the Month, AND receive a free pair of bobby pins with a $50 purchase when ordered online!

 I made a new video, too!


