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A Peek Into How We Store Our Lilla Rose

The first weeks of January seem to be when most of us organize our piles, our closets, our papers, and more after taking down Christmas. Moms have purged toys and household goods the week after Christmas in time to get year end tax deductions for donations of goods to charity. We all know tax time is looming, and we want our financial stuff in order.

January 9th was National Clean Off Your Desk Day. I don’t have a desk, but I do re-organize my bins and bags of my Lilla Rose supplies or paperwork for all of the above reasons: organization and tax time is looming. I have customers to serve, and shows to apply for in the new year. I need to know where my business supplies are!


In honor of National Clean Off Your Desk Day, we straightened up our Lilla Rose stashes instead, and did a FB Live demonstration.

I found I had to organize my Lilla Rose personal stash! My snap shut plastic bins were filled to overflowing and would no longer shut. There is no purging Lilla Rose products, of course! My daughters, too, have begun to misplace their clips, hair sticks, u-pins, bobby pins, and hairbands.

Lady L, my 15 year old daughter, received her third beautiful large wood jewelry box for Christmas, and has no room in her room for another large item on her dresser. I absconded with it, and now it stores my Lilla Rose! My minis, bobby pins, and extra smalls go on the top, hair bands go on necklace hooks on one side, and dangles and my braided 8 go on the other. In two drawers, I have my small flexis, and my mediums are in the bottom drawer. I keep my hair sticks and u-pins in a beautiful Lilla Rose zipper pouch that I was gifted by Lilla Rose at convention two years ago. I have a little bit of room to add more clips, but for now, this is a good solution.

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In exchange for her jewelry box, I am buying Lady L a small wall mirror for over her dresser that matches her new turquoise theme and night stand. She is using an acrylic drawer set like this (affiliate link) that matches her make-up storage sets so her clips remain handy and with her own system. Her twenty-five clips and accessories, including her two extra-large flexis, with room to add, fit nicely, in the thin, wide drawers shown below.

Daughter #2, Miss-y E, also received another jewelry box for Christmas. Her box is three drawers, so it is easy to sort her items according to size and product. Now she has one jewelry box for her jewelry, and one for her clips, and she can keep both on the dresser she shares with her younger sister.

El 1

El 2


Daughter #3, A-Grape, uses the smallest sizes clips, so for now, she keeps her clips in my bathroom in a drawer in her plastic bin, sorted according to size. This way, I can help her keep track of her personal inventory and teach organizational skills in the process.

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That is how we store our Lilla Rose flexi clips and hair accessories!

How do you or would you store yours? We’d love to see or hear in the comments below.

When you are interested in learning more about starting your own Lilla Rose business, I invite you to message me so we can chat. Note my video on the opportunity at the top of the side bar, or read more on my website.






Unwrap Your Potential, Shine Your Sparkling Color!

Are you ready to unwrap your potential?
Are you ready to work and shine your sparkling colors?


Original photo by

This afternoon as I am reading and preparing for the coming week, I found a blog post by Michael Hyatt about entrepreneurship and passing wealth building attributes on to the next generation. He has five entrepreneurial minded daughters, so this struck a chord with me. We have three daughters we want prepared for the real world, and we are considering ways for them to think like an entrepreneur, rather than relying on bosses and companies to always be there to support them. We fully support them being full-time wives and mothers first, but we know entrepreneurship will also help them support their families if necessary.

I’ve been one of Lilla Rose’s “Slow Starts.” I did not intend to grow a business initially. We just wanted hair clips at a discount. Dr. P. loved them in our hair, and still does. We slowly realized that there weren’t many consultants in this industry, and we could do fundraisers for our causes and we could add to our family income too, and if nothing came of our mini pursuit, there would be no risk, no loss. I never intended to build a team or pursue promotions with in the company, so for the first eighteen months, I worked only with my children. Our sons have also developed some business savvy in the process of our family working the hobby business.


What I realize now is that God has been doing a work in me for the last three years. For the second eighteen months of my being in the industry and company and direct sales structure, I have trained, trained, trained while working in learning marketing, branding, and leadership. In order to be a good leader and to mentor other women, including my own daughters, I needed to build a solid foundation in these business skills, as well as to learn live video streaming, the art of making graphics and slideshow videos, sending newsletters, and other great things. stretching and growing in skills I never needed or thought I’d want to possess. We have begun to incorporate many of these real life skills into our homeschooling program.

We still get to do fundraisers, work with hostesses in online Style Boutiques, set up pop shops in assisted living facilities and retirement homes, homeschool co-ops, restaurants, and hair salons. We attend festivals, crafts shows, and networking events. Our children are learning real life skills and entrepreneurship by actually being in the real world, and then helping with marketing skills, tracking inventory, customer care, and business math too.

As Michael Hyatt said in this post, “A slow start offers the time and testing you need to build the right foundation for success.” I feel so encouraged at the work that God has been doing in me in order to have that right foundation. “What feels like a curse is really a huge blessing. Slow starts are to our character what winning can be to our finances. But if we jump for the win without developing the maturity to manage it, we run the risk of losing it all in the end,” also said by Michael Hyatt.

So what do you think?

Are you ready to unwrap your potential?
Are you ready to work and shine your sparkling colors?

Do you wish you had extra money?
Do you want an opportunity that is still ground floor with fewer than 7000 consultants in the country?
Do you need a low start up cost?


You could give yourself the gift of entrepreneurship!

Is it perfect? Nope.
Is it easy? Nope.
Do we work hard? YES!
Are we having fun? YES!

Are there benefits? You bet! Join Lilla Rose for as little as $50, and receive biz supplies and 5 clips to use for sizing or keep. It’s still ground floor with fewer than 10,000 Stylists in the country, and only 10% of those working the business.

But there is more:

• Free website
• 30-45% Commission–Pay checks for working at home!
• No sponsoring requirements-but additional income if you do
• No monthly quotas- a yearly $30 in product is all
• Flexible work hours
• Team support
• Fun!

Join us!

If you end up being a Slow Start at anything you try, don’t cave to doubts or frustrations, or let anyone downplay your successes. Don’t criticize yourself or talk negatively. Maybe God is doing a work in you too, preparing you for great things. Maybe your life season is not yet right. Attitudes of condemnation are not from the Lord, are not motivating, and are not a method of success. You don’t have to do things the same way or on the same timeline as anyone else in order to be successful either. If you are moving forward, you are moving forward. ♥

“…who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this?” Esther 4:14

“There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens.” Ecclesiastes 3:1

“He has made everything beautiful in its time.” Ecclesiastes 3:11

“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters…” Colossians 3:23

“…acknowledge the God of your father, and serve him with wholehearted devotion and with a willing mind, for the Lord searches every heart and understands every desire and every thought. If you seek him, he will be found by you; but if you forsakehim, he will reject you forever. Consider now, for the Lord has chosen you to build a house as the sanctuary. Be strong and do the work.” 1 Chronicles 28:9-10



PS Speaking of Fundraisers for Hannahlee:

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Flip Flop Frenzy!


Kicking Off

Today is the first day of the Reece’s Rainbow Miracle of Adoption Christmas Campaign, formally called the Angel Tree. Meet and hear founder of Reece’s Rainbow, Andrea Roberts, here. One hundred international children with Down syndrome and other special needs who are waiting for forever families have Miracle Worker Warriors. Miracle Worker Warriors help to raise $1000 adoption grants for their chosen MACC child by December 31, 2016. We also hope to find families for the children, which is the ultimate goal.


The LoveLeavingLegacy crew chose Hannahlee for whom to advocate and fundraise for the Miracle of Adoption Christmas Campaign (MACC) . She is newly listed on Reece’s Rainbow, therefore, she has no grant at all. Today I will add $5 to her grant to kick it off, because it breaks my heart that a five year old child left in an orphanage at a month old has no Mom and Dad, no grandparents, aunts, uncles, or siblings, no clothes or toys to call her own, no hugs, etc, also has NO GRANT. If anyone would like to join me in adding just $5 to Kick Those Zeros to the Curb, thankfulness and gratitude would be the first describing words for how I’d feel.



Also to Kick Off ridding that grant of zeros is a Lilla Rose fundraising Facebook party. I will donate profits from orders from this party link to her grant after taxes and business expenses are taken into account after I receive my commission check during the first week of December. For today only, from 7 AM PST until 11:59 PM PST, there is a Lilla Rose free shipping offer on retail online orders of $50+. There is also a November customer special of free Holiday set bobby pins and purple pouch for orders of $100+ that expires on November 30th while supplies last. Please see the end of the post for details on these offers.

In addition, we are selling these super cool awesome Batman and Superman socks! They are $15/pair shipped, $10/pair will go to the grant.  Message me on my Facebook business page with your email address, home address, and which item and how many you would like, and I will send you a pay pal invoice to pay. There are only about 10 pairs of each style available.










Finally, as always, we have several craft albums on our Facebook business page designated for Reece’s Rainbow fundraising. We also have some of the larger items in this Blog’s shop. For all of those donated handmade items, 100% of the sale goes to Hannahlee, minus shipping costs, unless otherwise stated.

Thank you for supporting us! There will be more fundraisers to come!

Blessings and with gratitude,


