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Black Bean & Brown Rice Burgers with Spinach, Mushrooms, Bacon, and Cheese

We’re a pretty adventurous family when it comes to trying new recipes and new foods. We don’t mind spicy, we love vegetables, and we’re even okay with meatless options. We don’t subscribe to any one diet other than portion control, focus on protein and vegetables. We try keto, grain, dairy, and egg free recipes, Whole 30, Paleo diet, meatless recipes just because they sound good to us, believing any extreme diet is likely unhealthy, but they each have their good points. We’re up for most anything.

A little while back we went to a restaurant with my parents. Our youngest daughter, nine at the time, shared that she was tired of kids’ menu options that are boring and not particularly filling. She politely asked if she could try the adult menu. We said she could, but imagine our surprise when our nine year old opted to try spicy black bean burgers! That is definitely not something I would have tried with all the other options on a restaurant menu, nor would I have expected from a child! She tried them, though, and not only did she eat the entire burger and sides, but she loved spicy black bean burgers!

I’ve been traveling. My aunt just celebrated her 80th birthday, and my cousin was throwing her a surprise birthday brunch back in New England. One only turns 80 once, and I miss many celebrations because of the distance. I didn’t want to miss this milestone celebration!

My 80 year old aunt, cousins, brothers, and my son and his wife.

Plus, my niece is in Girl Scouts and she’s selling cookies. What better travel staple than Girl Scout cookies from my young niece! And my Lilla Rose bobby pins and hair band!


But, I’m chasing squirrels here…because I had been traveling, and because I’d left sick children who weren’t eating much, there isn’t much in the way of food in the house. While I was away the children and husband survived on a 16 quart pot of chicken noodle soup I’d prepared for the sickies before leaving, and there were lots of eggs from our chickens for the non sickies. Imagine four days in a row of chicken noodle soup and eggs. The family is quite bored with their food options! Yet, yesterday I had appointments, errands, and did I mention not much food in the house? I didn’t have time to prepare a fantastic meal last night.

I had a stash of cooked and frozen black beans, left over frozen rice….and staples in the freezer or pantry. I knew I had to be creative around the time limitations, but not make the family feel deprived.

I decided to make black bean burgers. I consulted with a few recipes before coming up with my own.  I topped them with a spinach, mushroom, bacon, cheese sauce because we had those ingredients too. The family thought they were great.

Black Bean & Brown Rice Burgers, LoveLeavingLegacy Style

  • 4 cups of soaked and cooked black beans
  • 4 cups of cooked brown rice
  • 2 green peppers diced
  • 1 large onion diced
  • 2 shredded carrots
  • 7 oz can diced chili peppers
  • minced garlic to taste
  • 2 beaten eggs
  • 2 heaping tablespoons chili powder
  • 2 heaping tablespoons cumin
  • 2 teaspoons of tabasco sauce
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • bread crumbs as needed

In the food processor blend the beans and rice. Mix in remaining ingredients except bread crumbs. Then, add bread crumbs a little at a time until the mixture holds a burger form. Form 8-12 burger patties on a broiling pan, and broil til crispy and brown on low broiling temperature.

While burgers are broiling, prepare the spinach, mushroom, bacon, and cheese sauce.

Spinach, Mushroom, Bacon, and Cheese Sauce

  • 1 large poly bag spinach (one that serves 10)
  • 1 large onion
  • minced garlic to taste
  • 4 8 oz packages of sliced portabella mushrooms (My family thinks I should have chopped these more finely.)
  • 12 oz package of turkey bacon
  • 8 oz non fat cream cheese
  • 2 eggs
  • 1/2 cup bread crumbs
  • 1 cup of grated parmesan cheese
  • 2 cups of shredded mozzarella cheese
  • pepper to taste

In a large pan, saute bacon, onions, and garlic. When bacon is nearly crispy, add mushrooms and saute until almost softened. Add spinach and saute until wilted and incorporates easily into the rest of the bacon/vegetable mixture. In the food processor, blend together remaining ingredients. Add to vegetable bacon mixture, and stir over low heat until melted and creamy.

Serve over Black Bean and Rice Burgers. Serves 8-10. Option: Serve with whole or halved cherry tomatoes on the side.

I love that spring fruits and vegetables are on sale again, and we loaded up on cantaloupe and berries at the grocery store. We served a cantaloupe cubed as a sweet side to our dinner last night.

As I said, my family raved, and they’ve asked me to make them again. Score one for Mom!

Maybe they were just grateful it wasn’t another chicken noodle soup night?

If you try our concoction, tell us what you think in the comments!





Love Is In The Air…Or In The Hair? Practicing Self Care

It’s Valentine’s Day, and of course, everyone thinks that means Love Is In The Air.

Maybe it is for some! That’s awesome! For others it’s a lonely time. That’s not so awesome. If you are someone struggling from a serious hardship or depression, unexpected loss, deep mourning or grief, or unexpected tragedy,  which are all valid life changing grief processes, this is not meant for you. While there may be some takeaways in this post, I don’t want to minimize the validity of a grief process, or perhaps the need for spiritual or emotional counseling. In those circumstances, that route would be their self care.

This post is for those who find themselves feeling generally tired, feeling unappreciated, or overworked. Maybe they are lonely. These feeling are common threads in conversations amongst women, whether they are work outside the home women, work at home women, mothers, women without children, or extended family caregivers. For these people, unless they have learned to be content in all circumstances, embrace life changes, to love or value themselves, get outside help for within the home, and appreciate their own company, there can be sadness and loneliness. For these people, I’m talking about self care.

What do you love about you?

What are your hobbies, food preferences, favorite physical, mental, or spiritual attributes? What do you love about your own character and talents? Who do you prefer to spend your down time with?

**Write a list of things you love about yourself, and celebrate them! Don’t wallow in your disappointments and sadness. Keep persevering in growth, skills, and empowering of yourself.**

This brings me to your self talk  and your self care!

Loving yourself and how you were created is awesome!
Consider some things. How do you talk about yourself? How do you celebrate your daily or weekly or monthly accomplishments?  What are things you do to care for yourself? 

For instance: 

  • How often do you go to the hair salon?
  • How many times a year do you love a massage or a manicure/pedicure?
  • How many times a year do you take a personal day and go somewhere you enjoy?
  • How often do you work on a hobby that you enjoy?
  • How many books do you read each year?
  • How often do you buy yourself a new sweater or pair of earrings, just because?
  • How often do you make time to exercise?
  • How often do you read your Bible, attend a Bible study with others, or go to your place of worship?
  • How often do you arrange to meet your closest local friends for coffee or lunch?

Practice self care.

Put the things that help you care for yourself on the calendar, like an appointment, and don’t cancel! 

It’s good for you and your physical, mental, and spiritual health!

You are worth the time!

For the past year, I’ve written about a health journey, weight loss, eating healthy, and a general quest for good health. This was an effort to practice self care.

However, I am struggling with gaps in my self care. I do lack face to face friend time with my local friends! I lack hobbies. My husband and I are work a holics! Sadly, we’re passing that over work ethic on to our children. It really is okay to take a break, (Deb) people!

Needless to say, there is quite a lot of tension as a result. For at least the past six months, maybe longer, I’ve been having major headaches, facial numbness, neck and shoulder pain, eye twitching, dizziness, major fatigue, and a fog brain. It’s super easy to chalk it up to being a busy homeschooling mom, having a small home based business, lots of recent traveling, and other things. I was scheduling regular massages, and I do treat myself to coffee out sometimes. As some point, though, coffee wasn’t cutting the fog brain, I’ve been less productive, struggling to stay focused on tasks, and obviously, a bit grumpy in my responses to others. I always say “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” but obviously, something was “broke” and it was time for a change.

Of course, the problem is that I had a fear that I was struggling with something chronic, like multiple sclerosis or Lyme disease. It’s super easy to want to stay in denial that I didn’t have something needing fixing or that it was “just because I….” My massage therapist, who is also a dear friend, very firmly told me that I might be prideful thinking I could keep handling it all myself, and that I needed to seek help. What I was doing for self care had ceased working.

Being super conservative about health care, I started with seeking the opinion of a chiropractor. He did an x-ray, ruled out bone spurs and super scary things like degenerative bone disease and tumors. He said my neck was inverted to the direction it ought to be–out of alignment, I guess is the verbiage. He said he could help, and that it is a blessing I didn’t continue to tarry in seeking a resolution.

Praise God! His first adjustment had my facial numbness and eye twitching symptoms gone! By the third adjustment, I had enough energy to drive myself and four children to Florida and back as the only driver, and to attend a two day business social media conference. I was not out of pain, but I could tell that I was improving.

2018 is the Year for Better Self Care. 

I obviously needed help, and I’m thankful I sought it out. I continue to improve with my 2-3 time/week adjustments. Soon I will be in maintenance mode, rather than treatment mode. My pain continue to resolve itself.

This Valentine’s Day, vow to ascribe to love yourself enough for self care, no matter your circumstances. Drink that treat coffee, go out to lunch with a friend, go get the massage, take a walk in the woods, eat healthy foods and exercise, join a gym for accountability, do the hobby you love to do, play your piano, see your doctor or chiropractor! Just do it, however your self care looks. You will thank yourself.

You are valuable.

You deserve to love yourself with the talents, aspirations, gifts, and resources for which you were created.

It’s Valentine’s Day, and of course, everyone thinks that means Love Is In The Air.


Love Is In The Hair!

What is your hair color?

Is changing your hair color part of your self care?

It doesn’t happen to be mine, but I know for many ladies, experimenting with new hair color highlights, hiding the silver wisdom highlights, or even drastic color changes, is part of their self care, and they find it fun and exciting.

Accessories To Coordinate With Hair Color

There is a wide variety of color and style choices for “blinging up” Valentine’s Day, or any day of the year. This handy little guide helps choose what would look best in some hair colors.

I tend to coordinate more with my clothing and jewelry wardrobe, but I have noted that black clips can get drowned in a person’s hair who is very dark. There needs to be a balance and consideration of hair color. Sometimes a person does want her clip “muted” against her hair color. No matter what, the Lilla Rose products are still beautiful against all colors of hair and personal styles.

I love using clips, and purchasing them is a “self care” tactic for myself and for my girls.

Don’t miss out on the sizing video on my website but this handy guide helps determine a starting point for flexi clip sizing.

And, finally, maybe you want to reward yourself and try a clip out. The perfect time is with A Lilla Rose Sale!



This article is linked with an article on Sassy Direct.

For those who might be considering Lilla Rose as a Business Opportunity, there is a great Q&A call-in this Thursday night at 9:00pm eastern! You can find more information here!
Maybe your self care is starting a business of your own, where you glean the benefits of friends, community, a rewarding challenge, and extra income. 

This could be just in time to use your tax return!!

If you are joining in on the call, let me know here so that I can join in with you!

Come join my Business Builders Lilla Rose Opportunity group for more information! 


Promoting Healthy Hair & Scalp: Ringworm Prevention Tips

As a parent, don’t you just hate it when you think you’re doing a good thing to keep your kids healthy only to find out that what you’ve been doing actually creates a different health issue for them?

Cue the Mom guilt, right?

Parents may have “health reasons” beyond basic hygiene for having children shower nightly, and to wash their hair. Besides teaching good hygiene, Moms are attempting to prevent a health issue, especially if a family has animals and the children are the caretakers of the animals.  Most don’t realize that going to bed with wet hair is a bad thing. Most Moms might be thinking that it’s a good thing, obviously!

First, if hair is long, or very thick, parents figure this is a time saver for everyone. Nobody spent a long time at the end of the day blow drying hair with kids complaining about the snarls.

Logically, the hair would have had time to dry naturally, while the child is sleeping, and this is a Mom’s dream: multi tasking!

Natural is a GOOD thing.

Second, Moms everywhere are assuming that by not blow drying, there is reduced damage to hair follicles and of hair strands drying out. Frequent blow drying can make hair become dry and brittle, or not allowing those NATURAL hair oils to penetrate the shaft.

Girls who use a scrunchie to hold up their hair in pony tails, buns, or braids to reduce tangles don’t hurt the scalp while their heads are on the pillow. It’s a soft product, after all!

Thank you Pixabay for a scrunchie photo!

Thank you Pixabay for a Scrunchie photo!

And, speaking of that pillow, it probably has a breathable cotton pillow case on it, and they are probably having their sheets and pillowcases changed at least weekly, because Moms are imparting that good basic hygiene to their children!

Prevention is GOOD and NATURAL, and, all of this is just hygiene management, right?


Not always.

When we know better, we do better.   

I’ve had several customers tell me that they know of people with long thick hair who go to bed with wet hair. They described that the person had “mold” grow in their hair. I’ve wondered, as a “retired” nurse, turned Mom who homeschools and believes in life long learning, turned hair care management direct seller, what that is all about!

Going to bed with wet hair sets up conditions for a warm, moist environment for a fungal infection, especially since it takes so long for hair to dry. That scrunchie they’ve been wearing harbors that fungal infection, and allows the infection to spread if it’s not washed in a hot wash/dry every few days. It also holds in the dampness and prevents air flow to the scalp. Cotton pillowcases cause that drying hair to stay on a damp warm surface, thereby promoting more fungus growth.

Once a fungal infection (dermatophytes) sets up on the scalp, often called ringworm (tinea capitis), there is a red scaly rash with irregular borders on the scalp. “The fungi attack the outer layer of skin on the scalp and the hair shaft.” The infection literally cuts the hair at the follicle shaft, so hair loss is occurring. There may be itching and burning. There are photos and more information of what the condition looks like at the Mayo Clinic website.

It is contagious in that the fungus is on anything the scalp touches. This includes hair styling tools (comb/brush), elastics and barrettes and scrunchies. It includes pillow cases, coat hoods, and hats. A child who shares any of those items can also spread the infection to another child, or even to a beloved pet, as carriers of the infection. A family might also find that the infection carrier is actually that pet who could be asymptomatic!

The treatment and cure can take weeks to months, depending on the treatment route you and your doctor decide to take. There is no one size fits all approach. Sometimes schools will prevent a child with the infection to return to school until they’ve been on an oral antifungal for a week or ten days. As always, medication does not come without risks, and there can be difficult side effects. It also means blood test monitoring for liver function.

You and your doctor may opt for a more conservative approach to treatment with a prescription shampoo or a cream, or any combination of medication, shampoo, and cream. If a parent opts to try essential oils or an herbal approach to cure, they should ask their doctor or pharmacist for any drug interactions of the oil, supplement, or herb to any prescription medication, and be careful to research its proven efficacy. Ringworm *is* hard to treat, and daily consistent treatment is somewhat laborious.

Daiy hair washing with a prescription 2% ketoconazole antifungal shampoo, and blow drying hair and the scalp will likely be part of the treatment  There ought to be daily pillow case changes and daily cleansing of hairbrushes and combs with barbicide cleaner from the beauty supply store.  During winter, one would also need to wash and dry snow hats. Silk pillowcases keep hair friction and stress to a minimum, as well as keeps the scalp cooler. Obviously, cleaning any hair ties or barrettes or flexi clips a child has been wearing is in order to prevent a re-infection. Anything that can be hot washed and hot dried during an infection is best. Keep hair loosely braided to allow air flow to the area. To treat a potential carrier in the home, all family members may also consider using a Nizoral shampoo at least weekly. This is all important in order to avoid reinfection.

As I said earlier, when we know better, we do better!

Now you (and I) know. 

Let’s do better hair care together!

For more hair health tips and information like this,

come join my Facebook customer group,

my LoveLeavingLegacy business page,

the Sassy Direct blog where this article is linked,

and sign up for my newsletter!



Don’t just take my word for it. To read more on this subject:

  1. Cincinnati Children’s
  2. Healthline
  3. CDC: Ringworm prevention