Falling Off the Exercise Wagon-Almost Literally

On May 11, 2016 I wrote a note on Facebook with these words about not feeling well, being sedentary, and making intentional changes:

I could blame this on genetics, slowing metabolism, being over 45, that I birthed six kids, am a busy mom, or any number of other legitimate sounding things. But the fact is, I’m too sedentary. I am owning this little fact. I am responsible. Only I can make myself create better health habits, and to get moving. So I am. Spring and summer are here which are a great new seasons to make additional changes and reach new goals. I am doing this and taking ownership of my problems with intentional solutions and new habits.

 Admittedly, I’ve fallen off the “Intentional Steps” wagon. I didn’t form new habits. I had a garden to plant, a house to paint, homeschooling to prepare, a business to work….Excuses. They are legitimate ones, but they lack intentional priority for health.

I have good friends who are lovingly encouraging me to continue to get moving. These are good friends, these ones that encourage and don’t accept my excuses.

And, I have new motivation with Equine J engaged to be married in July, 2017.

The other day I had our youngest son move a spin bike into the guest room, and today I hauled myself in there with an optimistic “Fat Burning Spin Workout in Just 20 Minutes” video set up, because who doesn’t want a short cut?

“Who can’t ride a bike for 20 minutes?” I thought.

Fifteen seconds in, the lady on the video says “Ok! Now, push it for all you’ve got! Turn the knob a quarter of a turn and go!” So I did.

Seven minutes into this, I knew I was in over my head, and twenty minutes no longer seemed doable. When she had us stand to pedal, I could no longer both stand AND pedal. I nearly fell off the bike all together. I hauled myself back on the seat with my arms, determined that I would not give up just yet.

Moments later, I opted to turn off the video, and just pedaled for the remaining 12 minutes.

When I got off the bike, I couldn’t stand, nearly fell again when my wet noodle legs wouldn’t support me, and had to pivot myself into a chair. I thought I was going to be sick to my stomach. Loving daughters ran to get more water and juice and peanut butter to stabilize blood sugar and any hydration needs.

I wrote to one of my encouraging friends who happens to also be a health trainer.

Me: Well this proved to be too much for me. I am now trying not to throw up and shaking like crazy. Drinking water and juice at the same time. I can’t walk 3 steps. I nearly fell. I feel belly muscles I forgot I had.  I strapped my Garmin Vivofit to my shoe and have only 2000 steps for the sweat I worked up. Perhaps I need a more beginner video?

My friend’s reply: Then you worked out too hard silly. But YAY you! Perhaps? You should write a blog. You are funny.

Me: Right after I get off the floor. I’m a closet funny person.


I could call this a big, fat fail, folks. But I won’t, because really it wasn’t.

I moved today. I kept a sense of humor.

May I intentionally move again tomorrow.

Blessings as you move intentionally too,


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Day Fox


Night Fox

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