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Love Is In The Air…Or In The Hair? Practicing Self Care

It’s Valentine’s Day, and of course, everyone thinks that means Love Is In The Air.

Maybe it is for some! That’s awesome! For others it’s a lonely time. That’s not so awesome. If you are someone struggling from a serious hardship or depression, unexpected loss, deep mourning or grief, or unexpected tragedy,  which are all valid life changing grief processes, this is not meant for you. While there may be some takeaways in this post, I don’t want to minimize the validity of a grief process, or perhaps the need for spiritual or emotional counseling. In those circumstances, that route would be their self care.

This post is for those who find themselves feeling generally tired, feeling unappreciated, or overworked. Maybe they are lonely. These feeling are common threads in conversations amongst women, whether they are work outside the home women, work at home women, mothers, women without children, or extended family caregivers. For these people, unless they have learned to be content in all circumstances, embrace life changes, to love or value themselves, get outside help for within the home, and appreciate their own company, there can be sadness and loneliness. For these people, I’m talking about self care.

What do you love about you?

What are your hobbies, food preferences, favorite physical, mental, or spiritual attributes? What do you love about your own character and talents? Who do you prefer to spend your down time with?

**Write a list of things you love about yourself, and celebrate them! Don’t wallow in your disappointments and sadness. Keep persevering in growth, skills, and empowering of yourself.**

This brings me to your self talk  and your self care!

Loving yourself and how you were created is awesome!
Consider some things. How do you talk about yourself? How do you celebrate your daily or weekly or monthly accomplishments?  What are things you do to care for yourself? 

For instance: 

  • How often do you go to the hair salon?
  • How many times a year do you love a massage or a manicure/pedicure?
  • How many times a year do you take a personal day and go somewhere you enjoy?
  • How often do you work on a hobby that you enjoy?
  • How many books do you read each year?
  • How often do you buy yourself a new sweater or pair of earrings, just because?
  • How often do you make time to exercise?
  • How often do you read your Bible, attend a Bible study with others, or go to your place of worship?
  • How often do you arrange to meet your closest local friends for coffee or lunch?

Practice self care.

Put the things that help you care for yourself on the calendar, like an appointment, and don’t cancel! 

It’s good for you and your physical, mental, and spiritual health!

You are worth the time!

For the past year, I’ve written about a health journey, weight loss, eating healthy, and a general quest for good health. This was an effort to practice self care.

However, I am struggling with gaps in my self care. I do lack face to face friend time with my local friends! I lack hobbies. My husband and I are work a holics! Sadly, we’re passing that over work ethic on to our children. It really is okay to take a break, (Deb) people!

Needless to say, there is quite a lot of tension as a result. For at least the past six months, maybe longer, I’ve been having major headaches, facial numbness, neck and shoulder pain, eye twitching, dizziness, major fatigue, and a fog brain. It’s super easy to chalk it up to being a busy homeschooling mom, having a small home based business, lots of recent traveling, and other things. I was scheduling regular massages, and I do treat myself to coffee out sometimes. As some point, though, coffee wasn’t cutting the fog brain, I’ve been less productive, struggling to stay focused on tasks, and obviously, a bit grumpy in my responses to others. I always say “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” but obviously, something was “broke” and it was time for a change.

Of course, the problem is that I had a fear that I was struggling with something chronic, like multiple sclerosis or Lyme disease. It’s super easy to want to stay in denial that I didn’t have something needing fixing or that it was “just because I….” My massage therapist, who is also a dear friend, very firmly told me that I might be prideful thinking I could keep handling it all myself, and that I needed to seek help. What I was doing for self care had ceased working.

Being super conservative about health care, I started with seeking the opinion of a chiropractor. He did an x-ray, ruled out bone spurs and super scary things like degenerative bone disease and tumors. He said my neck was inverted to the direction it ought to be–out of alignment, I guess is the verbiage. He said he could help, and that it is a blessing I didn’t continue to tarry in seeking a resolution.

Praise God! His first adjustment had my facial numbness and eye twitching symptoms gone! By the third adjustment, I had enough energy to drive myself and four children to Florida and back as the only driver, and to attend a two day business social media conference. I was not out of pain, but I could tell that I was improving.

2018 is the Year for Better Self Care. 

I obviously needed help, and I’m thankful I sought it out. I continue to improve with my 2-3 time/week adjustments. Soon I will be in maintenance mode, rather than treatment mode. My pain continue to resolve itself.

This Valentine’s Day, vow to ascribe to love yourself enough for self care, no matter your circumstances. Drink that treat coffee, go out to lunch with a friend, go get the massage, take a walk in the woods, eat healthy foods and exercise, join a gym for accountability, do the hobby you love to do, play your piano, see your doctor or chiropractor! Just do it, however your self care looks. You will thank yourself.

You are valuable.

You deserve to love yourself with the talents, aspirations, gifts, and resources for which you were created.

It’s Valentine’s Day, and of course, everyone thinks that means Love Is In The Air.


Love Is In The Hair!

What is your hair color?

Is changing your hair color part of your self care?

It doesn’t happen to be mine, but I know for many ladies, experimenting with new hair color highlights, hiding the silver wisdom highlights, or even drastic color changes, is part of their self care, and they find it fun and exciting.

Accessories To Coordinate With Hair Color

There is a wide variety of color and style choices for “blinging up” Valentine’s Day, or any day of the year. This handy little guide helps choose what would look best in some hair colors.

I tend to coordinate more with my clothing and jewelry wardrobe, but I have noted that black clips can get drowned in a person’s hair who is very dark. There needs to be a balance and consideration of hair color. Sometimes a person does want her clip “muted” against her hair color. No matter what, the Lilla Rose products are still beautiful against all colors of hair and personal styles.

I love using clips, and purchasing them is a “self care” tactic for myself and for my girls.

Don’t miss out on the sizing video on my website but this handy guide helps determine a starting point for flexi clip sizing.

And, finally, maybe you want to reward yourself and try a clip out. The perfect time is with A Lilla Rose Sale!



This article is linked with an article on Sassy Direct.

For those who might be considering Lilla Rose as a Business Opportunity, there is a great Q&A call-in this Thursday night at 9:00pm eastern! You can find more information here!
Maybe your self care is starting a business of your own, where you glean the benefits of friends, community, a rewarding challenge, and extra income. 

This could be just in time to use your tax return!!

If you are joining in on the call, let me know here so that I can join in with you!

Come join my Business Builders Lilla Rose Opportunity group for more information! 


Do The Lilla Rose Flexi Clips Hold During Activity?

Let’s face it. Lilla Rose flexi clips look awesome in the professional model photos. No Stylist is going to post the not so beautiful hair style photos, right? A common question, of course, is “Yes, but do they hold during physical activity and exertion?” Clearly they do for model photo shoots.  Let’s see what happens when the rubber literally meets the road.

For a bit of evidence that they do hold during activity, I put my flexi clip to the test. I did a fast French twist messy bun, popped in my medium clip which is almost getting to be too small now that my hair is longer, and I put on my walking clothes. I used no styling products in my hair, as is clear in the photo. This isn’t exactly my best hair do, or my best color coordinated outfit, but I was in a hurry to get my walk in before April the Giraffe had her baby. I’ve only been watching her progress for a month, and I don’t want to miss the main event.

Yes but how do they hold 4

Quite a fashion statement, no?

Yes but how do they hold 1

This is as we start our walk.

I went my normal 4.5 mile route in the square of the country roads around my house, with my son and our dog for companions. The difference is that I ran intervals totaling 2650 steps, and I pushed myself a little harder on a couple of them.  I conquered some hills I not so fondly call “Kicking My Tush Hill” or “I Might Die On This Hill” hill. I did get my tush kicked as I ran the hills anyway. Every day I walk/run, I push myself to a go little farther than the last time. The weather was a bit blustery, damp, and misting rain. I had to put my fleece sweatshirt hood on, and I had my winter coat trailing behind because, you know, what isn’t stylish about a middle aged person learning to run again wearing a winter coat, alternating between freezing and shivering, and being over heated from exertion?

In spite of all conditions, and my painting a not so beautiful picture of myself, or even sharing my not the greatest photo ever, here is my after run/walk photo:

Yes but how do they hold 2

Except for static wispies, the clip held the hair in place. Honestly, my flexi clip held up better than I did.

Yes but how do they hold 3

Trying to breathe. Needed the wall for support.

In short, Lilla Rose flexi clips are perfect for formal styles, casual styles, active lifestyles, and exercise. They even hold better than the average claw clip or elastic scrunchie.


Edited 4/17/17 Giveaway has ended. Mary Beth E of St. Louis, MO was the winner and has already received her clip. Don’t forget about the Review and Giveaway over at Mom Life Chronicles. It ends Sunday. You could win a flexi clip of your very own to test and put through the paces.

Someone, pass the Ibuprofen and a glass of water, please.

It is now April, and there is a beautiful new Flexi of the month, new releases, and a new customer special being released this morning. This is no joke! I’d love for you to check it out. 17620108_10154938179561352_7848055114245954274_o

April Customer Special

It is now 12:48 am EST on Saturday morning, and April’s calf is not born. In fact, April is sleeping and I am not. 

Have a great weekend and enjoy your families! 




Three Tips For Success In Exercise And Growing A Small Business

Running is on my bucket list of things I would never do, just like homeschooling, grinding wheat and baking bread, or doing direct sales.


If you recently saw a woman dressed in pink exercise clothes with a gray sweatshirt and black and teal sneakers running near your house, it wouldn’t have been me. I don’t run. I. Do. Not. Run. I might run if a bear were chasing me, or a large German shepherd, or creepy bad guy. If you didn’t see any of those things chasing the woman in pink and gray, then it wasn’t me. I do not run.

If you saw a middle aged woman dressed in pink exercise clothes with a gray sweatshirt and black and teal sneakers running near your house looking like she might be ready to pass out and die, or standing by the side of the road hyperventilating and trying not to cry…that might have been me.

That was me.

I’ve done the thing I said I’d never do, and I’ve attempted to run during my 11,000 step walk.

Hilly Rd I often walk

Google Maps tells me this entire route is 4.5 miles. And, yes, I recognize this only totals 10000 steps. I’ve been doing the final 1000 steps pacing up and down about ten times in my driveway, or I retrace a little bit of the circuit for a cool down.

I’ve been running intervals, but only about 300 steps at a time, and then I have to stop to catch my breath. Each time I try to go a little further than I did the last time, just like when I was building up to my 11,000 steps.

One particular day, on a last hill on Country Rd B, I decided to try one last hurrah, went 300 steps, and actually did feel like I was going to pass out. I felt terrible and nearly cried. My throat was welling to tears, but I fought them because I knew I was beginning a panic attack, and if that happened, then I wouldn’t be able to breathe. Our dog sat right at my feet and Artistic A held me while I pulled myself together.

Later, as I was telling this all to a friend who holds me accountable, I began to feel a new burn, and it wasn’t just the one in my lungs! Last year at this time, I could hardly walk 2,000 steps. Now I walk 11,000 steps, albeit more slowly than I like, taking more time than I like.

But I can do it.

And, apparently, I can interval run nearly 2,000 of those 11,000 steps.

Where will I be in three months? Six months? A year?

Suddenly I have new ideas and new walking/running/health goals. The immediate goal is to walk/run these steps nearly daily to be on track for my weight loss goal with a deadline of July 29, 2017.

What about when I’m at that goal? Will I maintain that? What do I do with my progress from there?

On one particular day right as I went for my I’m Not Going to Run walk, one of my team leaders had posted a graphic with the words “Keep the End Goal in Mind.” I was pondering this while I walked and began to ran.

When I started running, I was looking at the line in the road. Some might say that I was just staying in my comfort zone, not really challenging myself. Some might say the line is what was giving me direction. I started looking up, because frankly after Michigan winters, our roads are in rough shape. There could be potholes and I could twist my ankles. I needed to anticipate the problems or dangers up ahead for course correction. And, I did look at that first hill for which I need to reach the top. It was the goal. At that moment, getting to that first hill running WAS the end goal.

What should we look at: the line, what is just ahead, or the top of the hill? Was the top of the hill the goal? What is on the other side of the hill? Was that the end goal?

I do know what my leader actually meant when she offered this advice, and that it might seem like I’m totally overthinking this.

When I started with my Lilla Rose business, I had no business related end goal for which to strive. Joining Lilla Rose was strictly to provide tools to teach my own daughters how to care for their hair and to do pretty, modest hair styles. Within days, though, once we had the product in our hands, our end goals morphed from just for fun, to an opportunity to give back more to causes, to something fun and relationship building and academic for our own family, to where I am now. This is a real, viable, ground floor opportunity. I can be a tool to empower and train other women to be work at home moms, rather than outside the home working moms. I myself could advance in rank within Lilla Rose and earn a full time income!  Obviously that was not a large hill I considered 3.5 years ago!

There is wisdom in keeping one’s sights on an end goal. But, there is also something to the idea that the end goal might not be what one is thinking it will be. We always need to stay open to the idea that circumstances change, policies in our companies change that affect the direction of our businesses (the white lines in the road), a lot of life happens (the Michigan winter potholes) , and as is my case, as we learn, grow, and stretch, God might actually have something bigger than what we think the end goal is. It’s not necessarily that first, second, or third looming hill!

The immediate end goal is probably not the end goal.

For reaching an end destination

See? No cute pink running clothes here! NOT Running.

1) Be willing to start with the smaller, attainable goals, allowing the Lord to direct your path to targets bigger than what we currently conceive, or even very different than what we initially think the goal is. Be open. Be honest. Be willing to be led and directed.

2) Have accountability partners and encouraging cheerleaders who are going to be honest with you about your progress, or even your lack of direction. Stick with those people who are encouraging you to be the best that God is asking you to be in your business. Sometimes that might mean listening to things you don’t like to hear. Sometimes that might mean disregarding well meaning advice that goes against your personality or ethical standards. We all need course correction from time to time! Know when to stay in your comfort zone, and when to try something new. Use wisdom and discernment about which pieces of advice or accountability are best for your integrity, business, and future.

3) Stay up to date with latest business methods. Pay attention to those who will train you with integrity from both inside your company, and from the outside. Never stop trying to learn, to read, to listen to podcasts, or to inspiration.

 I did it. For the first time since middle school, I ran a total of 2000 steps in one day.

My lungs hurts, my calves hurt, my stomach hurt. The thoughts running through my head were “At this time last year, I felt horrible after walking 2000 steps. I don’t feel horrible walking it, but now I feel horrible running it!” and “My only goal right now is being healthy & looking nice for Equine J’s wedding. But what happens after that???”

Other ideas began to flow, like “Maybe I could run a 5k as a fundraiser for orphans with Down syndrome. Would people sponsor me?” or “Maybe I would train for a marathon!” I’ve got to say that I like the fundraiser idea much better.

Ideas in business flow too, like “Unit director is a possibility for me!” “Maybe I can build my business via this blog to be sustainable. Could I get knowledgeable enough that people would trust my wisdom? What more do I need to learn?”

Right now, I can walk daily or increase my running.  I can take each hill as it comes, and adjust for each pothole as it comes. I can run my business with the best integrity, honesty, ethics that I can while I am still homeschooling and raising children. I can learn alongside my children.

I Said I Would.I Am. I'll Keep Doing It.Keep Watching.

So can you!

Pick your hills, choose your routes, adjust for your potholes. Conquer those goals, one hill at a time, knowing that the next hill will probably be bigger, and still not the end.

I hope you continue to join me in this quest for better practices both in health, in exercise, in business, in faith, and in life, using THE Compass Rose!

My son, do not let wisdom and understanding out of your sight, preserve sound judgment and discretion; they will be life for you, an ornament to grace your neck. Then you will go on your way in safety, and your foot will not stumble. When you lie down, you will not be afraid; when you lie down, your sleep will be sweet. Have no fear of sudden disaster or of the ruin that overtakes the wicked, for the Lord will be at your side and will keep your foot from being snared. ~Proverbs 3:21-26


PS. Announcement  coming made at the end of this last post is still in the works. 



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