Reverse Hair Washing?
We may earn money or products from the companies mentioned in this post.
In early fall 2016, I was noticing that my increasingly graying hair was breaking and dry. I got a trim, and that seemed to help some for a few weeks. But, I was also losing a good amount of hair in my hair brush. I do wash my hair daily, as I am bothered by the smell of day old hair, and I’ve been exercising a lot, so my head is getting sweaty too. If I don’t wash my hair daily, even my face breaks out. Yuck.
I’m not a fan of extra hair products, and I use only a slight amount of hair spray to contain wispy strands and fly aways. I began using more conditioner, and I used some coconut oil treatments to try to re-hydrate, but it didn’t seem to be making a difference. I rarely blow dry or used a curling or flat iron my hair, and instead let it air dry. The upside to my graying hair is that it now has some texture and ability to curl on its own a bit.
In September 2016, I read and posted on my Facebook business page about a method called Reverse Hair Washing from a post in Refinery 29. I thought I’d give it a try.
I used It’s a 10 shampoo and conditioner initially. The products seemed to enhance shine, and my hair was softer. Breakage stopped for a while. And, as a scent aversion person, the scent was light and didn’t bother me.
In January, however, I noticed that breakage was actually increasing, and while my hair was shiny, it felt and sounded like straw.
I changed over to Art Naturals Organic Moroccan Argan Oil Shampoo and Conditioner instead. I faithfully conditioned, leaving the conditioner on for 3-5 minutes in the shower, and then washed. Sometimes I would condition after washing too. I stopped doing coconut oil “deep condition” treatments. After a few months of using Art Naturals, breakage has lessened substantially, and my hair is less fly away, shiny, and soft. My grays seems to sparkle like tinsel. I’ve noted, too, that while my hair is air drying, it is actually drying faster. Needless to say, I encourage readers to try the Reverse Wash method of hair care if you are struggling like I was with dry and breaking hair.

My hair is actually soft, tamed, shiny here, but it’s a breezy April day! And, the 9 year old is capturing the photos.
Disclaimer: This post does contain affiliate links. These links allow us to earn a small commission with which we are able to donate more to adoption funds on Reece’s Rainbow.
I love being a Lilla Rose Stylist! Not only do I get to help ladies of all ages tweak their morning hair routine to something more manageable and provide them with tools that work, but I get to work with a company that takes care of their Stylists. In March we had the opportunity to up our sales game, meet a minimum goal, and earn this ten clip not yet released set of flexi clips. They sent two of each design in varying sizes. It contains a much asked for Skull & Crossbones, a Horse, a Shell, a new Turtle design, and a new Butterfly design. All of these will be available to our customers some time in May, 2017, but currently can only be found in the possession of those some 300 Stylists from all over the country who earned the set of clips, and who are selling them in person at events.
I shared two of the clips with my hard working daughters. My third and eldest daughter has earned the Jean hair band out of the April incentive, which we also have already earned for minimum sales goals. She just has to wait until May to receive the incentive, but it is available for sale now on the website. We’ve had a busy couple of months, and May will be busy too! Hurray!
If you are interested in becoming a Lilla Rose Stylist, to have the opportunity to help ladies redefine their morning hair routine, use an amazing product that is easy to love, and to work your own business with an amazing and generous company, let’s set up an appointment to chat! Let’s not wait to get you started on an amazing journey before the summer and fall selling seasons are underway! Don’t miss my opportunity video in the right sidebar of this blog post, either. I look forward to hearing from you!
In the meantime, don’t forget about the opportunity to receive a free hair band with a minimum $80 purchase, or to earn half price and free products by hostessing a Style Boutique of your own!
Have a blessed week! I’m working on a recipe to share, and two hair tutorials with photos to share with readers for posts in the coming days.
The Lilla Rose Opportunity from John Dorsey, company owner and Flexi clip inventor.